During its fourth grant cycle, the Stibnite Foundation awarded $32,000 to 15 nonprofit organizations from communities across the West Central Mountains.
Cascade Cultural Arts Center | The grant will allow the Horizons’ Lifestyle and Education Team to bring Artisans’ Tour in the Mountain to the region.
Cascade Public Library | The grant will allow the library to purchase more books to grow its children’s collection.
Cascade Rural Fire Protection District | The grant will be used to purchase new handheld radios for first responders.
Cascade School District | The grant will help the school provide meals for students and snacks for the after-school program.
City of New Meadows | The grant will help fund critical system upgrades to the Adams County 911 system.
City of Riggins | The grant will provide internet services in the City of Riggins ambulance.
Council Junior/Senior High School | The grant will be used to update physical education equipment and provide athletic training clinics.
Donnelly Farmer Market | The grant will allow the Market to provide food discounts and access to a health educator or dietitian to help advise community members on healthy food choices.
Meadows Valley Public Library | The grant will allow the library to make multi-media improvements to the library’s conference room.
Meadows Valley Rural Fire Department | The grant will fund the purchase a self-contained breathing tank.
Rise Up 2 Thrive | The grant will provide support and services to survivors of domestic violence.
Salmon River Joint School District | The grant will help purchase a new score board in the gymnasium.
Southern Valley County Recreation District | The grant will help improve the organization’s multipurpose room and support the pre-kindergarten program.
Valley County Pathways, Inc | The grant will be used to help build a pathway from downtown Donnelly to the boat docks.
West Central Mountains Youth Advocacy Coalition | The grant will be used to expand suicide prevention efforts across the region and launch a youth peer-to-peer mental health mentoring program.