During its third grant cycle, the Stibnite Foundation awarded $46,200 to 11 nonprofit organizations from communities across the West Central Mountains.
City of Cascade | Grant will be used to install a fitness pod for the community at the Sports
Cascade School District | The grant will be used to help support the development of positive
peer culture within the school district.
Council Elementary School | The money from the foundation will be used to help construct a
greenhouse for the elementary school and greater community.
Meadows Valley Public Library | The library will be able to install a new sign by the highway with
the grant.
Idaho Trails Association | The grant will help fund several stewardship programs to help care
for hiking trails across the West Central Mountains.
Snowdon Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc | The money will allow the group to bring the Wild about
Wildlife! Program into elementary schools throughout the region.
Cascade Food Pantry and Pride of the Pantry Plots | The grant will help the community garden
to continue to thrive through the purchase of soil amendments and new weed barrier fencing.
City of Riggins | Funding from the grant will allow the City of Riggins to repaint the exterior of its
ambulance station.
Payette Lakes Community Association | The Payette Lakes Community Association runs after-
school programs in several elementary schools across the region. The grant will help fund field
trips for students participating in their programs.
McCall Youth Hockey Association | The grant will allow the McCall Youth Hockey Association to
purchase equipment and expand its accessible hockey program.
Meadows Valley Rural Fire Department | The money from the foundation will allow the fire
department to purchase tactical gear needed for rescue efforts during an active shooter